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Mama Baby Yoga

Claudia Mama Baby Yoga English.heic


12.00 - 13.15

In this mama/baby yoga course, we use yoga movement, breath, rest and connection to navigate the postpartum journey. The focus is both on reconnection with yourself and your body with your body, and connection with your baby. Using the tools of yoga in a circle of mothers, we focus on coming home in your new mama body, softening the body parts that do all the hard work during the day and night, and finding new ways to rest - all while being together with your baby.


What we will practice together in this circle of motherhood and support:

  • Yoga postures and flow to help relax and support the shoulders, neck, chest and back

  • Safe and supportive movement for the pelvic floor and core muscles

  • Creative ways to breathe, rest and meditate in the presence of your baby

  • Practice self-care for your postpartum body and mind, and finding a sense of freedom

  • Yoga with your baby through sensory play, song and movement

  • Baby massage techniques


Everything is welcome: coming late, changing diapers, feeding your baby - everything.

The classes are gentle, suited for all mama bodies, and you don’t need previous yoga experience. It’s a great treat for you and it’s a beautiful bonding experience for you and your baby.​

"During my maternity leave, Monday was my favorite day of the week as I got to attend Claudia's mama & baby classes at Studio Mā. The classes became my favorite place to connect with my baby, myself and other mamas. Claudia is the most comfortable, understanding, warm and knowledgeable yoga teacher I've ever trained with, and I love how she manages to keep the classes entertaining and fun, with just the right balance of a soft and strong practice (which is what a mama body so desperately craves). If you're pregnant or just had a baby, do yourself a favor and gift yourself this perfect escape with your little one. <3 " - Mette
“Mama/baby yoga with Claudia was one of the best things I did for myself and my baby during maternity leave. It was a safe space, where it didn’t matter if I was 20 minutes late or on time, whether my baby was chill or crying. I felt welcome, celebrated and cared for, no matter the day (or night before…), and got some much needed exercise for my aching back and shoulders. The mix of yoga, community and compassion would make Studio Mā such a special place for any new mother!” - Celia
“Mama/baby yoga with Claudia made Mondays the best day of the week. For 75 minutes she erased any sense of insufficiency in me as a new mom. I felt like I was doing yoga with a new body, and that I was in the safest space possible to do so. On top of that, my daughter and I had so much fun!” - Jasmin
“The Mondays at Studio Ma with Claudia are some of the fondest memories from my maternity leave! Her positivity, energy and warmth always made my day. And being there on the floor just stretching, training and cuddling was just perfect for both me, my body and for baby Anni.” - Kristiane

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About Claudia Menger

Claudia is a yoga teacher and women's coach, specialised in therapeutic feminine yoga for fertility, pregnancy, and motherhood. She believes in living and working, and practicing yoga, according to the menstrual cycle, and she’s passionate about the practice of Yoga Nidra. 

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